The University of Tulsa Presents

National Science Foundation Research Opportunity for High School Teachers

Please stay tuned for 2021 updates!

Join the University of Tulsa for a standards-based drone research opportunity!

Participating Teachers Will Earn
  • $8,000 stipend
  • $2,000 for their classrooms
  • Drones and classroom materials throughout the program
  • Access to TU faculty and students throughout the school year

Plus, participating teachers have the potential to earn graduate credit!

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  • Intensive, research-based program
  • Teachers will work with university faculty and students to utilize science, math, and engineering concepts inherent in the design, construction, and applications of unmanned aerial systems
  • Teachers will develop innovative & interactive STEM curriculum and translate research experiences into classroom practices with an emphasis on exploration and discovery
  • Open to 10 teachers
  • Interdisciplinary teams from the same school are encouraged to apply


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  • Must be a certified high school teacher
  • Must teach in Oklahoma for the duration of the program
  • Must live within an hour radius of Tulsa and be able to provide your own transportation, meals, and lodging
  • Expected to attend all sessions and develop at least 2 multi-day lesson plans to implement during the school year
  • Must be a motivated learner open to new content


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Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance

