Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting IR: Forging Best Practices

  • Focused on building secure data collection, storage, analysis, and reporting protocols, we have formed 3 Working Groups:
    • PEAR Pilot Facilitation – Aimed at helping Harvard University’s Program in Education, Afterschool, and Resiliency (PEAR) produce a second-generation assessment tool to help us understand which initiatives work best. The team has received 34 applications from area programs of which 10 will be chosen for the Pilot.
    • Data Secure Storage – In support of long-term evaluations and in collaboration with Impact Tulsa, this group is focused on developing the detailed agreements, protocols, etc. around the input and physical storage of, and access to, the data we collect for analysis and reporting.
    • Data Collection, Analysis, and Reporting – Beginning with the end in mind, this group is building the reporting models used ultimately to define the data elements which will be consistently collected and analyzed.
  • All work is done with an eye to system reliability, sustainability, effectiveness, and efficiency. The DCAR IR meets every 2 weeks at Cancer Treatment Centers of America.