Major Find:  The Go-To Guide for Engineering Curriculum – Choosing and Using the Best Instructional Materials for Your Students. Edited by Cary I. Sneider. Consists of three books — one for Grades K – 5, Grades 6 – 8, and Grades 9 – 12. 

  • IR members brainstormed criteria to create an on-line interactive chart/database for “Resources for STEM Curricula.”  We are looking for someone to help develop the on-line chart format. Or clone a chart others may be using. Contact Barbara if you have some ideas.
  • The Go-To Guide lists 40 different instructional materials and designates for which grade it is appropriate. Two IR members are reviewing Engineering is Elementary; another is reviewing Teaching Engineering Made Easy.  Intent is to develop a pilot “Resources” chart.
  • The Go-To Guide also has a wonderful list of K-12 Engineering Education Websites.  The IR team is working on how it can be incorporated into the TRSA website.