[x_custom_headline type=”center” level=”h2″ looks_like=”h2″ accent=”true”]Grants[/x_custom_headline]
[x_alert heading=”Improving & Redesigning” type=”Success” close=”true”]Just like the Engineer Design Process teaches us, after a few years of testing, we’re currently reviewing all our grant opportunities to improve our processes and ensure alignment with our goals. Check back soon for exciting new updates to our grant process![/x_alert]
Whether you’re a teacher looking for funds for materials to provide hands-on, minds-on STEM for your students, or an educator hoping to expand your own knowledge of STEM through professional development, we have an opportunity for you! Through generous Tulsa area partners, TRSA is able to offer grants for various STEM-related needs.
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[x_tab_nav_item title=”Summer STEM Programming Grant” active=”true”]
[x_tab_nav_item title=”More Grants Coming Soon!” active=”false”]
Summer STEM Programming Grant
Request for Proposals
Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance is excited to announce a Request for Proposals for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) summer programs for Tulsa-area youth. Funding is available for materials, supplies, and other resources needed to carry out effective and equitable programming. Please refer to the complete Request for Proposals (RFP) for specific guidelines regarding how to submit an application for this program.
- Organization or entity with at least two years of experience serving youth
- Providing STEM-focused programming for Oklahoma PreK-12th grade students for the time period beginning on or after May 1, 2023 and ending August 31, 2023
RFP Issued: February 21, 2023
Deadline for Questions: March 10, 2023
Deadline for Submission of Applications: March 17, 2023
Intent to Award: April 3, 2023
[x_button shape=”rounded” size=”large” float=”none” circle=”false” block=”true” href=”https://docs.google.com/document/d/1p9-K6dnsngqvA2fcfaHayeuq8KUx7HRRfxHhyQzLg1w/edit#heading=h.i0tsbf1cbd22″]Request for Proposals (RFP)[/x_button]
[x_button shape=”rounded” size=”large” float=”none” circle=”false” block=”true” href=”https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeWn4_-ucxp6Pw4YQnuo6d1mtlnVHnYumOJkXHjufq03lmdAQ/viewform”]Apply[/x_button][/x_tab]