Donor Spotlight: Tulsa Area United Way

Jaime WaltonDonors, Front Page

Donor Spotlight: Tulsa Area United Way

Empowering Communities Through Collective Impact


At the heart of community transformation, Tulsa Area United Way (TAUW) stands as a beacon of unity and empowerment, bringing together individuals, businesses, and organizations to create positive change. With a commitment to improving lives and fortifying communities, TAUW raises over $25 million annually, orchestrating a symphony of support reverberating across Tulsa, Creek, Rogers, Okmulgee, Osage, and Wagoner counties.

TRSA has been an instrumental force in TAUW’s Community Collaboration initiative for over five years, embracing the collective impact model. This initiative is a testament to the belief that collaboration is the cornerstone of effective community development. TAUW fosters cooperation among nonprofit organizations, businesses, foundations, and governmental and educational institutions, recognizing that addressing complex community-wide issues requires a united front.

TAUW champions the idea that collaboration is the most effective means of addressing challenges and the catalyst for crafting enduring solutions. Recognizing that no single organization can tackle complex issues in isolation, TAUW’s commitment to cooperation amplifies the impact of agencies providing essential services. Through this collective effort, they elevate the community’s well-being and efficiency.

The impact of TAUW’s efforts is felt through 160+ programs that span the region, creating a ripple effect of positive change. Through innovation grants, collaborative initiatives, shared technology services, and support for human services organizations, TAUW ensures that the community’s diverse needs are met. This multi-faceted approach reflects a deep understanding that a thriving community is one where every member flourishes.

TRSA is profoundly grateful to Tulsa Area United Way for their generous support and steadfast belief in our mission. Their unwavering dedication to enhancing the well-being of the Tulsa region is inspirational, and we are honored to work alongside them in our shared commitment to positive change.