Join biology education experts Dr. Keri Shingleton and Jennifer Kneafsey in this four-part professional development series focused on Breaking Down Biology. Attend one or more of the workshop sessions to learn hands-on methods for teaching students complex biological concepts. All participants will take home additional materials for their classrooms.
Who: Middle school, high school, and higher education teachers
When: (all sessions are held on Tuesdays, from 4:30pm-7:00pm)
- April 4: Water & Membranes
- April 11: Nucleotides, DNA, and Chromosomes
- April 18: Transcription, Translations, and Proteins
- April 25: Enzymes & Specificity
Where: Siegfried STEM Learning Lab at Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance, located inside the Tandy YMCA at 5005 S Darlington Ave. Tulsa, OK 74135
Cost: FREE!!! But space is limited, so registration is required.
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