From the Program Manager’s Desk — September 2024

Jaime WaltonFrom the Executive Director's Desk, Front Page, STEM News

Cultivating a Legacy

by Rachel Christy, MPA—Project Manager, Out of School Time, Family & Community

It has long been a common phrase to refer to Oklahoma as one of the “flyover states.” Although a catchy phrase for song lyrics, the term flyover implies Oklahoma has nothing to offer that would be worthy of being a destination. Although there was a time as a teen living in a small town that I may have partially believed that sentiment, I have grown to know more about my state and now see her in a different light. 

Growing up, my family and I attended various air shows all throughout the United States and always marveled as the fighter jets zoomed and boomed overhead. Once I was old enough to conduct my own study on fighter jets (and because the internet was newly available to assist in my search), I began to understand the science and math behind flight. That study continued through the years into how engineering and technology could enhance the ability to conduct flight for a myriad of reasons. The more I studied, the more I wanted to know, and ultimately my love of aeronautics was born. Based on my enthusiasm for aerospace and aviation, you can imagine my excitement when I discovered Oklahoma’s rich aeronautics history, which stretches back to the early days of aviation. The legacy of aerospace excellence in Oklahoma is a source of pride, but it also brings with it the responsibility to ensure that the industry continues to flourish.

Today, the state continues to thrive as a hub for aerospace innovation, manufacturing, and maintenance. To maintain and grow this vital industry, Oklahoma must invest in the next generation of aerospace professionals. What better way to provide a transfer of knowledge, skills, and leadership qualities than through mentoring relationships? This not only preserves the state’s aerospace expertise but also enhances it, as each new generation brings fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.

The aerospace industry is highly specialized, requiring a workforce with a deep understanding of engineering principles, technical skills, and industry-specific knowledge. Although many of Oklahoma’s educational institutions offer strong aerospace engineering programs, formal education alone is not enough to prepare students for the industry’s complexities. This is where mentoring comes in. Mentoring provides students and young professionals with hands-on experience and practical insights that cannot be gained in the classroom alone. Through interactions with experienced mentors, mentees learn how to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. 

The aerospace industry constantly evolves due to technological advancements and shifts in global markets. To remain competitive, aerospace professionals must be skilled, innovative, and adaptable. Mentoring is crucial in developing these qualities, as it helps mentees build essential soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving—skills that are often best learned through experience rather than in a classroom. By working with a mentor, young professionals gain confidence and learn to navigate the challenges of the aerospace field effectively.

Arguably just as important as the academic side of mentoring is the need to foster a culture of belonging within the aerospace and aviation industries. As with many other technical fields, the field of aeronautics has historically struggled with diversity, particularly in terms of gender and race. Mentoring can play a significant role in addressing this issue and creating a more inclusive aerospace industry. Mentoring programs that prioritize diversity can help break down barriers for underrepresented groups in the aerospace industry. By providing support, guidance, and advocacy, mentors can help all individuals understand that STEM is for ALL. This not only benefits the mentees but also enriches the industry as a whole, bringing in new perspectives and ideas that drive innovation.

In addition, mentoring can help create a more inclusive workplace culture. Mentors who are committed to diversity and inclusion can serve as role models, demonstrating the importance of these values in the workplace. They can also advocate for mentees, helping to ensure that their voices are heard and that they have access to the same opportunities as their peers. This helps to create a more equitable and supportive environment for ALL.

Mentoring is an essential tool for ensuring the continued success of Oklahoma’s aerospace industry. By providing guidance, support, and knowledge transfer, mentoring helps to develop a skilled and innovative workforce that is capable of meeting the challenges of the future. It supports economic growth, enhances diversity and inclusion, and ensures that the legacy of aerospace excellence in Oklahoma is passed on to the next generation. As the aerospace industry continues to evolve, the importance of mentoring in sustaining and advancing this vital sector cannot be overstated. 

Since Oklahoma is a hub for aerospace, Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance prioritizes inspiring students to explore this field through programs like our “out-of-this-world” Siegfried Space Week.

Siegfried Space Week is a flagship event in our Mentoring program, designed to spark a passion for STEM in youth by fostering a sense of belonging and connection to STEM careers. During this immersive week, students engage in hands-on, space-themed activities and meet with professionals who share their backgrounds and experiences, helping them build a strong STEM identity.

The week features an inspiring guest appearance by an astronaut and introduces participants to diverse aerospace professionals, exposing them to a wide range of career opportunities. Siegfried Space Week not only ignites curiosity but also empowers the next generation of STEM leaders by connecting them with mentors and role models in the field.

To learn more about how you can help Oklahoma secure its place as a leader in the aerospace industry for years to come, check out our volunteer opportunities and sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on our mentoring programs.

Join us in making STEM dreams take flight!