Outreach Requests
Your Partner in STEM Education
We are happy to provide outreach for Tulsa-area STEM-related educator-focused events. All requests must be made at least 2 weeks in advance.
Completion of this form does not guarantee your request is booked. You will receive a confirmation from TRSA confirming your booking. Outreach requests are processed and scheduled bi-weekly at staff meetings. Booking depends upon the availability of staff and resources to fulfill requests. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to info@tulsastem.org.
If you prefer to borrow STEM materials for your event and do not need TRSA staff facilitation, please visit our STEM Shoppe Loan Request Form.
Want to add your event to our calendar? Please visit our Partner Promotion form.
Explore Our Learning Library
Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance is committed to supporting educators and inspiring the next generation of STEM leaders. This resource library is designed to provide a wealth of information and resources to enhance your STEM teaching and learning experiences. Whether you’re looking for engaging classroom activities, professional development opportunities, or informative presentations, you’ll find valuable resources here to support your STEM journey.
Professional Development
Scientific Modeling
Grade Level(s): PK - 12th
Length: 30 min - 2 hrs
This session introduces educators to the scientific process of modeling. Modeling allows students to make their thinking visible, as they make sense of phenomena, try out ideas and hypotheses, and engage in collective thinking. Modeling replicates the process of figuring out that scientists do as they attempt to make sense of natural phenomena.
Making Assessments 3D
Grade Level(s): PK - 12th
Length: 1.5 hrs
Learn how to align assessments with OAS-S to make assessments 3-dimensional. This session empowers teachers to implement alternative assessment designs to strengthen students' science skills and knowledge. Teachers will learn tools to analyze the strength of lesson plans and alignment with standards and simplifying grading with more strategic lesson design.
Classroom Activities
Kubo STEM Challenges
Grade Level(s): PK - 8th
Length: 20 min - 1.5 hrs
Learn the basics of Kubo robots and/or more advanced features such as loops and subroutines. Incorporate the Coding+ set for more advanced activities, including using the Engineering Design Process to solve a problem.