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This summer marks an exciting chapter for MOMENTUM, which now actively awards digital badges to youth across northeast Oklahoma. Supported in part by Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies and led by Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance (TRSA) in collaboration with The Opportunity Project, MOMENTUM is dedicated to recognizing and documenting youth’s diverse STEM learning experiences beyond the classroom. This approach celebrates students’ achievements and allows us to identify gaps and opportunities, assess program quality, and ensure that all youth have access to exceptional STEM experiences that inspire and prepare them for a future enriched by STEM. 

Digital Badges

Our digital badging project has seen remarkable progress this summer:

  • 8 partners issuing badges: These partners have played a crucial role in awarding digital badges and acknowledging students’ hard work and accomplishments in various STEM programs.
  • 18 Badges Created: A diverse collection of eighteen badges has been developed, offering students numerous opportunities to earn recognition.
  • 43 badges issued (to date): We are proud to report that 43 badges have already been issued on the platform, with many more expected as programs conclude.

These badges are available to participants from 1st- to 12th-graders attending programs involved in the pilot, ensuring a wide range of students benefit from this initiative and feel motivated by their achievements.

Partners Issuing Badges

Our success this summer is thanks to the dedication of eight partners who have been instrumental in the digital badge program:

  1. Education for Scholars
  2. Engage Learning
  3. Global Gardens
  4. Jenks East Elementary
  5. Outdoor Classroom 
  6. Urban Coders Guild
  7. Bike Club Tulsa
  8. USA BMX

Looking Forward

As we continue to pilot and refine our digital badge initiative, our focus remains on collecting valuable data to identify common themes and improve our programs. This process will help us develop more effective badging pathways and enhance the overall impact of our efforts.

MOMENTUM represents a significant stride toward achieving equity and transformation in STEM education. While digital badges play a crucial role, they are part of a broader strategy to inspire and prepare every child for a future enriched by STEM. We invite you to join us on this transformative journey and become an integral part of the momentum driving positive change throughout northeast Oklahoma.

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Stay tuned for more updates and celebrate the achievements of the incredible participants and partners. Together, we create possibility!