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Competition Drives Student Learning!

by Michelle Rahn—Program Manager, Professional Development, Curriculum & Resources

Before I became a Project Manager at Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance, I was a middle school STEM teacher and led an after-school Girls’ STEM Club in Claremore Public Schools. In late 2019, I went to a TRSA SeaPerch training – I had no idea what SeaPerch was before that, and had to do a little research to figure it out. But after the full-day training, I knew this underwater robotics competition would be a fantastic opportunity for my Girls’ STEM Club. SeaPerch is one of those rare student opportunities that pulls in every area of STEM education: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math! Plus, it incorporates real-world problem-solving; giving students an opportunity like no other!  

To be honest, I was a little apprehensive about my students building their own motors and soldering the circuit boards. We had never taken on such a big project before, not to mention competing with such a project. But once I put power tools and soldering irons in students’ hands, it was GAME ON! We successfully built 4 SeaPerch ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) and competed in TRSA’s SeaPerch Competition the following February, placing 6th in our very first competition. 

As a teacher, during this experience, I learned that competition drives student learning. The girls were so excited to build their bot and learn how to compete with it, that they committed long hours to learning about buoyancy, circuitry, and the engineering design process.  Their curiosity and creativity exploded as they dove deeper into learning and exploring the aspects of the competition. Trust me when I say, I was no expert in this area but I learned right alongside them. Their excitement was contagious and also motivated me as their teacher. When learning is tangible and connected to real-world problems, it can be extremely impactful! Competition enhances social and emotional learning, increases intrinsic motivation, and above all, facilitates a positive growth mindset. 

This is why I am passionate about my work at TRSA. We are here, working to create more STEM learning opportunities for students by facilitating experiences and competitions, all while supporting educators.

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