From the Nerd Herd – July 2023
[x_alert heading=”A New Hope for STEM Across Oklahoma” type=”warning” close=”true”]This letter is the 2nd in a series exploring how Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance and our partners ensure that every student, every educator, and every community member knows they belong and are valued members of the STEM community. Over the next few months, we’ll explore how […]
From the Nerd Herd – June 2023
[x_callout type=”center” circle=”false” title=” ” message=”It’s time to have a conversation about how we will ensure that every student, every educator, and every community member knows they belong and are valued members of the STEM community. Over the next few months, we’ll explore how our Alliance is protecting, engendering, and advocating for the right of […]
From the Nerd Herd – May 2023
As we approach summer, we recognize the effort that educators have been putting in to finish the year strong. The final stretch can be invigorating; we hope you feel that excitement. If you’ve felt worn out, please know you are valued and doing an exceptional job. To encourage you, I want to share something I’ve […]
From the Nerd Herd – April 2023
We are proud advocates for a STEM education system where every child belongs. To strengthen students’ sense of belonging, it is crucial for adults to welcome them into learning environments with genuine enthusiasm and intentionality to build relationships among and with their students. Moreover, what we teach has to be contextualized in their lived experiences. […]
From the Nerd Herd – March 2023
Recently, I attended a training where this quote struck me: “How do we call people in and build bridges instead of calling people out and build walls?” Paul Schmitz With a background in biology, I’m much more comfortable talking about ecosystems than bridges, but I must admit bridges are unique structures. At TRSA, we have […]
From the Nerd Herd – February 2023
The Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance has always been and will continue to be an equity-centered organization. When stakeholders from across our region began imagining a new organization that would help align resources and hone strategies to make STEM accessible for all, it was believed this effort would combat a pre-existing system that denied entry based […]