Transcript – Levi’s Video to the Advisory Council

Levi PatrickTranscript, Uncategorized

Hello. My name is Levi Patrick, and I’m excited to introduce myself to you today as the new Executive Director of the Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance. For those of you who are on the Advisory Council, I just wanted to send a quick note and say thank you for all that you do to help shape and guide this work. There’s nothing we can do without the input and experience that you bring to us as an Advisory Council. So, thank you for giving your time and your energy to this effort to ensure that all kids have access to meaningful and powerful STEM learning experiences. If we haven’t had a chance to meet, I will just give you a quick update about who I am. I’m a former math teacher. I worked at the K-20 Center for Education and Community Renewal at the University of Oklahoma for a few years, developing curriculum and providing instructional coaching support to teachers around the state. For the last nearly nine years, I’ve been the Director of Secondary Mathematics, Director of Computer Science, and most recently, the Assistant Deputy Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction. So, I bring a perspective from an outsider of TRSA who has seen the powerful and important work that you all do as an organization with your partners, and it’s really a delight to see. For a small part of my time at the department, I was able to serve as a board member of Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance, and I got to see the inside of the organization, and I got to see how far-reaching the work really was and I understood that Tulsa Regional STEM Alliance is different than from perhaps even what I understood. That it is really about building and nurturing and stewarding an entire STEM ecosystem, and that is compelling and what I want to be a part of and what I want you to continue to being a part of with me. So, I look forward to getting the ball rolling here in the next few months, and hopefully we will have the time to meet and get to know each other, and I look forward to doing the good work that needs to be done with you. See you soon.