Aerospace Professional Training

Levi PatrickSTEM News

OklaEducationIndustryPartnerFlyerOklahoma Education & Industry Partnership presents Oklahoma STEM Teachers Grades 5-12

July 26-28, 2016, at Rose State College
Registration will open on this webpage on April 1, 2016
Attendees will have a selection of tours each day.

Day One:
Boeing Systems Integration Lab/Energy Industry tours, OERB workshops.

Day Two:
Dell, Ben E. Keith and Machlanburg-Duncan tours. Ag in the Classroom workshops.

Day Three:
OMRF, OK Blood Institute and OSBI/UCO Forensic Lab tours, Grants presentations.

Accommodations will be provided at a local Midwest City hotel or Rose State College. There will be fun, knowledge, professional development, guest speakers & networking. Each teacher will receive meals, accommodations, $100 Stipend, $125 PITSCO gift certificate & a chance to win a $750 PITSCO Grant.

More Details:

Contact: Ben Robinson at (405) 812-1292 or