Join us for this special professional development opportunity from May 10 – 14, 2021. Astronomy, if properly taught, can promote rational thinking, and an understanding of the nature of science, through examples drawn from the history of science, and from present issues such as pseudo-science. Astronomy can be used to illustrate many concepts of physics, such as gravitation, light, and spectra.
The fascination with the mysteries that exist in the cosmos – in its stars, satellites, planets, galaxies, nebulae, and more – is universal. For centuries, millions of people around the world have been interested in this topic. In the United States alone, there are 450 astronomy clubs, according to the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Another example is the millions of reactions on social networks that were provoked due to the first image of a black hole, obtained on April 10, 2019.
The possibilities for incorporating astronomy topics in the classroom -according to the grade and age of the students- are broad. This PD is an awesome opportunity for teachers to engage in space-themed professional development!
Special thanks to Flight Night and STARBASE Oklahoma for making this PD possible.
You can apply to attend this PD by clicking here. Registration closes on Friday, April 30, 2021.